UKWA British Isles Champion "The Crewe-Saider" Woody Anderson speaks out about his Upcoming Championship Defence (Which will be his 1st Defence Match) against "The Dossa King" Charles Kelsey at Coppenhall W.M.C for Darkest Hour this Saturday
To pre-order your 🎟 tickets 🎟, purchase them here on the website or purchase them from behind the bar at the venue (Coppenhall Working Men's Club)
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#Wrestling #BritishWrestling #UKWrestling #UKWrestlingAlliance #UKWA #CoppenhallWMC #DarkestHour #UKWABritishIslesChampionship #SingleMatch #ChampionshipMatch #UKWABritishIslesChampion #TheCreweSaider #WoodyAnderson #TheDossaKing #CharlesKelsey