At this moment in time, no one outside of UKWA Management knows what Matt Burns’ Future will be at UKWA since losing the I Quit Match against James Irvine at A House Divided. All that we know is that Matt Burns was taken to the Medical Team after the match and that he will make a full recovery, which we are sure that many will be happy to hear, but it will take some time.
Now the questions that everyone has on their minds, is what will be happening when he has fully recovered? Will he be returning to UKWA? We do not know.
However, we have just been informed that Matt Burns’ future might be revealed at Darkest Hour by 100% Owner James Irvine, which we are sure that will raise more questions than it does answers.
Now we do not know if it will be Good News or Bad News, that Irvine will be announcing but at the very least, we will all be informed and updated at Darkest Hour of Matt Burns’ Fate.
So, if you want to find out what it will be as soon as possible, you will need to Purchase your Tickets, BE THERE AND FIND OUT!
Coppenhall Working Men's Club on 24th February
Doors Open 6pm, Show Starts 6:30pm
To pre-order your 🎟 tickets 🎟, purchase them here on the website or purchase them from behind the bar at the venue
Card Subject to Change
#UKWA #UKWrestlingAlliance #DarkestHour #Wrestling #UKWrestling #BritishWrestling #FutureHangingInTheBalance #FormerUKWAOwner #TheHammer #MattBurns #UKWAOwner #TheMorningstar #JamesIrvine
