"The Scarred Heartbreaker" Regan has some things to get off his chest in regards to recent events and heading into Crossing The Line this Saturday and he has some very "choice" and "colourful" words for The Elite Express.
To pre-order your 🎟 tickets 🎟, purchase them here on the website or purchase them from behind the bar at the venue (Coppenhall Working Men's Club)
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#UKWA #UKWrestlingAlliance #CrossingTheLine #Wrestling #UKWrestling #BritishWrestling #CoppenhallWMC #ChampionshipMatch #UKWATagTeamChampionship #FatalFourWayMatch #TheEliteExpress #TheDossaKing #CharlesKelsey #ThePrinceOfTheUnderworld #AJHughes #VAN #ViolenceAgainstNature #TheFallenMonster #Mayhem #Sadistic #Sweeney #Clarkeward #MarkClarke #MattClarke #Regan #UnableToAttend #Injury #EddieCobain