Jack Ball Vs Woody Anderson Vs Alex Connors
Now the next match to be announced will be exciting because it will have 3 top UK Wrestlers that are getting their name around the country and that they will all be aiming to climb the UKWA rankings and will be aiming for championship gold in their future.
We have Jack Ball who will be making his UKWA debut, and we will be making sure to aim to put his best forward, as he has done in many other UK Wrestling companies, while also attempting to win championship gold along the way. Now it would seem that he has set his sights on UKWA, and everyone will have to wait and see what unique surprises he could bring to the roster.
“The Gold Standard” Woody Anderson is always a fan favourite with the UKWA Fans, be it when he made his debut or challenging for the UKWA Championship, you always know that he will bring his A Game for everyone to see. Woody always goes above and beyond to highlight what he can bring and to entertain everyone. It is only a matter of time of when he will be challenging for championship gold, and will it be this match that tips the scales.
Alex Connors is a name that many on the UK Scene will know, be it as part of Health & Safety, beating people at their own games or any other reasons that he might be known for. Now at UKWA he has not had the best of luck as of lately, but this could be the match that he very much needs to get it all turned around into his favour and we just hope the others do not underestimate him because he could very well surprise them, by catching them out.
Who will come out with the victory?
Just make sure to get your tickets now for Saturday 15th April, get your seats and BE THERE!
Coppenhall Working Men's Club on 15th April
Doors Open 6pm, Show Starts 6:30pm
To pre-order your tickets, purchase them here on the website or purchase them from behind the bar at the venue
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