"The Warrior" Luke Basham will be at A House Divided on 18th November at Coppenhall Working Men's Club.
Luke has stated that he feels that a massive wrong has recently happened in UKWA that he feels needs to be corrected and that it’s something that he wants to personally correct, which UKWA Management does agree with him, does need to be corrected.
So if you want to find out what the issue is and how it will be corrected, you will need to get your tickets and make sure to BE THERE!
Coppenhall Working Men's Club on 18th November
Doors Open 6pm, Show Starts 6:30pm
To pre-order your tickets, purchase them here on the website or purchase them from behind the bar at the venue
Card Subject to Change
#UKWA #UKWrestlingAlliance #AHouseDivided #Wrestling #UKWrestling #BritishWrestling #TheWarrior #LukeBasham #WillBeAttending
