Dave DelVecchio Vs James Terry
The next Match we are proud to announce for All For One is quite possibly a first time encounter for them both competitors (with the exception to Rumble Matches), or if it has happened, then at least it’s the very first time they have matched up against each other in UKWA History.
On one side we have “The Chosen One” Dave DelVecchio, who is as of right now is in a very bad mood as he was unsuccessful in defeating “The Unpredictable” CJ Rawlings for the UKWA Championship at the last UKWA Show (New Dawn), in fact he was that upset that he even attacked UKWA Co-Owner, Matt Burns and planned to hit him with a Pedigree, which didn’t happen (however we will explain the why another time). DDV is now looking to focus his pent-up anger on anyone he can get his hands on, which will more likely be his opponent for this match.
On the opposite side, we have none other than “The Submission Tactician” James Terry, who we know can tie anyone up in knots, regardless of how angry, how strong or how quick his opponent can be, once he has a grip on them, he has many ways to get them to Uncle or even providing that knockout move to get the 3 count and win the match. Now we know that he is looking to get himself back towards climbing the UKWA Rankings and towards Championship Gold, which we think he will very much do because it’s not a matter of if it will happen, but more of a when.
Now we just need to find out who will come out of this match with the victory and put themselves on the right track to UKWA Championship Gold. The only way to find out, is to make sure you either pre-order/purchase your Tickets Now for Saturday 15th July, to make sure you have your seats because you would be an Absolute Fool to MISS THIS MATCH!
Coppenhall Working Men's Club on 15th July
Doors Open 6pm, Show Starts 6:30pm
To pre-order your tickets, purchase them here on the website or purchase them from behind the bar at the venue
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