Aiden Potter Vs Woody Anderson
The following Match that we are about to announce is occurring because “Lord” Aiden Potter, complained to UKWA Management, that he wanted another chance and opportunity to be taken seriously as a singles competitor and also be able to attempt to acquire his first victory at UKWA. Potter also stated that he would take on anyone, on the UKWA Roster, and that he wouldn’t take No for an answer.
Now at first UKWA Management didn’t take him serious enough, which did upset Potter. However, he decided to keep asking for this chance and opportunity, so much that he may have most likely annoyed them and well there is the old saying of being careful of what you wish for, as it would seem that Management did decide to provide him with another chance. However, it would be up against one of UKWA Fans Favourite, Woody Anderson.
Now many UKWA Fans may already know that Woody Anderson has been acquiring plenty of momentum at an alarming rate recently, which hasn’t gone unnoticed also by “The Dossa King” Charles Kelsey. However, sooner or later Woody’s attention could very well turn towards Kelsey and The Elite Express but for now, he will most likely aim to keep his attention on acquiring another Singles Win and increase his UKWA Rankings and aim himself towards UKWA Championship Gold.
Has Aiden Potter jumped into the deep end by upsetting UKWA Management?
Will Woody’s Attention be on Potter or will his drift towards The Elite Express?
Could Charles Kelsey or any member of The Elite Express, keep a close eye on this match?
Who will get the Win for this Match?
To find out the answers and much more, make sure to purchase your tickets NOW to reserve your seat and be there because this will be a Match, you DON’T WANT TO MISS!
Coppenhall Working Men's Club on 15th July
Doors Open 6pm, Show Starts 6:30pm
To pre-order your tickets, purchase them here on the website or purchase them from behind the bar at the venue
Card Subject to Change
#UKWA #UKWrestlingAlliance #AllForOne #Wrestling #UKWrestling #BritishWrestling #SinglesMatch #Lord #AidenPotter #WoodyAnderson