Feb 19Mickey Rowley has a few words for James Irvine"The Dirty Faced Angel" Mickey Rowley has a few words that he wants to get off his chest to UKWA Owner "The Morningstar" James Irvine...
Feb 5CJ Rawlings speaks about Irvine, DDV & the Main Event of Darkest HourUKWA Champion "The Unpredictable" CJ Rawlings, speaks his mind about UKWA Owner "The Morningstar" James Irvine, his Challenger "The...
Jan 28What will be Matt Burns' Future at UKWA?At this moment in time, no one outside of UKWA Management knows what Matt Burns’ Future will be at UKWA since losing the I Quit Match...
Jan 28Darkest Hour - Mickey Rowley Vs James IrvineSINGLES MATCH Mickey Rowley Vs James Irvine The following match is one that some may have not expected but is one that both combatants...